Weight of L Type Bolt: {{ singleWeightL.toFixed(5) }} kg
Total Weight of {{ calculatorL.quantity }} Bolts: {{ totalWeightL.toFixed(5) }} kg
Weight of Straight Type Bolt: {{ singleWeightStraight.toFixed(5) }} kg
Total Weight of {{ calculatorStraight.quantity }} Bolts: {{ totalWeightStraight.toFixed(5) }} kg
Weight of Bolt + Plate: {{ singleWeightPlate.toFixed(5) }} kg
Total Weight of {{ calculatorPlate.quantity }} Bolts: {{ totalWeightPlate.toFixed(5) }} kg
Weight of Sag Rod Bolt: {{ singleWeightSag.toFixed(5) }} kg
Total Weight of {{ calculatorSag.quantity }} Bolts: {{ totalWeightSag.toFixed(5) }} kg
Weight of Bracing Rod Bolt: {{ singleWeightBracing.toFixed(5) }} kg
Total Weight of {{ calculatorBracing.quantity }} Bolts: {{ totalWeightBracing.toFixed(5) }} kg
Weight of Stud Bolt: {{ singleWeightStud.toFixed(5) }} kg
Total Weight of {{ calculatorStud.quantity }} Bolts: {{ totalWeightStud.toFixed(5) }} kg